Best Dev Server
What you need in a Web server for your web and mobile development? You use XAMPP, MAMP or WAMP because many people around you say its the better option, but is it?
Front-end Web Developer
What you need in a Web server for your web and mobile development? You use XAMPP, MAMP or WAMP because many people around you say its the better option, but is it?
Git BASH is most common BASH emulation for version control all over the world. I am not going to talk about how it works but show you a trick or two on how to customise you gitbash environment to your liking!
Anyone who has a keen eye for good typefonts always chooses TrueTypes because of their preciseness right down to particular pixelations. A while back I had a problem with Helvetica typefont which I could not find on Windows 8.1, funny enough there was no way I could download from official sites because there were no provisions for my Os. Hopefully I stumbled upon Kelvetica Nobis which merely substitutes Helvetica but its worth it.
Node.js is not Javascript framework! It is a I/O server-side JavaScript environment that uses Google V8 (C++) Javascript engine.So apparently the guy who invented it only released a Linux version of Node.js, when he first wanted to share it with the uncool is that!
Open Source advanced text editor
Time to wrench!
Dessert made by Russian Doll.
Jekyll is a very simpler way of making websites more especially blogs. It only uses your content written in markdown or textile or liquid to generate a beautiful blog of static pages. And guess what you can host it on GitHub for free.