Git into Subversion repo

Written on March 2, 2016

How do I integrate a Git repo with a local Subversion repo?

Git has a feature that works with Subversion repos called git-svn. It is intended to check out existing code from Subversion and work on it, not publishing a Git tree into a Subversion repo.

I will use VisualSVN Server for Windows to show you how to integrate your git repo on GitHub to SVN repo (allow Subversion open-source revision control system to get all your files+refs on git commands)

Here we go:

Lets create an empty subversion repo using Windows command prompt:

echo %cd%> svnadmin create my_svn_repo
echo %cd%> cd my_svn_repo
echo %cd% my_svn_repo> svn mkdir trunks tags branches
echo %cd% my_svn_repo> svn commit -m "am hacking this hehehe!"

OR we can use VisualSVN Server Management console to create Regular FSFS repo using the ‘Create new repository’ action wizard:



Finally set the access control security for the repo and open it in browser to see empty svn file. Then create directories trunks tags branches

Now lets go to your ‘git-cloned’ file and cd to that file:

echo %cd%> cd my_git_repo
echo %cd% my_git_repo> vim .git/config

Now add this below what you see without any spacing above it:

[svn-remote "svn"]
url = http://HOSTNAME@PC/svn/my_svn_repo/trunk/
fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn

Afterwards lets do some magic with what we just added:

echo %cd% my_git_repo> git svn fetch
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git checkout -b svn git-svn
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git merge master
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git show-ref trunk

Now for the finale spell:

echo %cd% my_git_repo> git git log --pretty=oneline master | tail -n1
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git svn dcommit
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git checkout master
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git rebase svn
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git branch -d svn
echo %cd% my_git_repo> git svn dcommit  <form action="" method="post" target="_top">
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